Common error messages seen for Invalid Orders and what to do to resolve them are listed below.
Error | Error Category | Root Cause | Corrective Area | Case Correction | Optional Long Term Solution |
shipping method doesn't match to ESG | App setup / Shopify setup / Manual order | i) The Shipping rate was only added after the initial app installation and has not yet been mapped to a ShippingService in the app settings. ii) Shipping rate does not exist in the Shopify backend set up (either an old rate since deleted that was used by older online orders, or a custom rate created when creating a manual order), hence the app is unable to read and allow the rate to be mapped within the app settings. |
If Shipping Rate has not been mapped to a ShippingService within the app: complete the mapping in the app settings. If Shipping Rate does not exist in the Shopify backend set up: a) For old rate since deleted (online orders), go to the app settings and manually add the old rate; b) For custom rate (manual orders): re-create the order manually in the Shopify backend (alternatively, manually create the order csv upload file for ESG); |
If Shipping Rate exists in the Shopify backend: check mapping is complete within the app "Shipping Methods" setting. If Shipping Rate does not exist in the Shopify backend: a) For old rate, ensure that the exact text is used when adding this manually to the app settings; b) For custom rate, refer to troubleshooting article "Creating manual orders (eg. for free gifts, replacements) in your Shopify backend". If deciding to manually create the order csv upload, remember to enter a ShippingService value in the order csv upload file (click here to review the template and its requirements), and upload the file manually to Dispatcher Management. Remember to use the long order id. |
Ensure all Shipping Rates (existing and new) are mapped to a ShippingService within the app. Regarding creating manual orders, refer to troubleshooting article "Creating manual orders (eg. for free gifts, replacements) in your Shopify backend". |
delivery name can't be longer than 35 characters | Customer information validation | ESG shipping carrier partners have character length requirements in their forms. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Edit "First name" and "Last name" fields together so that their combined character length is less than 35 characters long. | Update checkout with hint text to end-customer to provide their details within this character length requirement. |
delivery company can't be longer than 35 characters |
Customer information validation |
ESG shipping carrier partners have character length requirements in their forms. |
Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. |
Edit "Company" field so that the character length is less than 35 characters long. |
Update checkout with hint text to end-customer to provide their details within this character length requirement. |
delivery address1 can't be longer than 35 characters | Customer information validation | ESG shipping carrier partners have character length requirements in their forms. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Edit "Address line 1" field so that the combined character length is less than 35 characters long. | Update checkout with hint text to end-customer to provide their details within this character length requirement. |
delivery phone number can't be longer than 15 characters | Customer information validation | ESG shipping carrier partners have character length requirements in their forms. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Edit Phone number" field so that the combined character length is less than 15 characters long. | Update checkout with hint text to end-customer to provide their details within this character length requirement. |
delivery address1 can't have invalid characters | Customer information validation | Special characters or non-english language characters are found in the address line. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Edit "Address line 1" field so that the special and non-english language characters are removed. | Update checkout with hint text to end-customer to provide their details with this character restriction. |
delivery address2 can't have invalid characters | Customer information validation | Special characters or non-english language characters are found in the address line. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Edit "Address line 2" field so that the special and non-english language characters are removed. | Update checkout with hint text to end-customer to provide their details with this character restriction. |
Delivery address1 contains PO BOX, cannot ship with selected ShippingService |
Customer information validation |
PO Box identified within the address for an order that is requesting courier (EXPED) shipment; all EXPED/EXP shipments require signature which is not possible for PO Boxes. |
Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. |
Edit "Address line 1" or "Address line 2" (where appropriate) so that non PO Box address is provided. |
Add checkout supplementary text to end-customer to provide non PO Box address if requesting courier shipment, or to only choose postage (STD) shipment if PO Box address can only be provided. |
platformorderid 5082072132, delivery_address1 => P.o. Box 1 -> delivery_address1 DeliveryAddress1 contains PO Box | Customer information validation | PO Box identified within the address for an order that is requesting courier (EXPED) shipment; all EXPED/EXP shipments require signature which is not possible for PO Boxes. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Edit "Address line 1" or "Address line 2" (where appropriate) so that non PO Box address is provided. | Add checkout supplementary text to end-customer to provide non PO Box address if requesting courier shipment, or to only choose postage (STD) shipment if PO Box address can only be provided. |
delivery phone number has invalid characters. | Customer information validation | Special characters or non-english language characters are found in the Phone number line. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Edit "Phone number" field so that the special and non-english language characters are removed. | Update checkout with hint text to end-customer to provide their details with this character restriction. |
platformorderid 4668966980, merchant_sku => 201 -> merchant_sku empty sku mapping or not approved | Dispatcher Management setup | Merchant SKU not created or approved within ESG Dispatcher Management. | Cross-check within Dispatcher Management for the status on the product. | If product is missing (has not been created within Dispatcher Management), create the product in the system and then consult your Account Manager or Operations Support Agent. Product must be approved in Dispatcher Management. | Ensure that all products for sale in your Shopify backend are also created within Dispatcher Management. |
platformorderid 5598397838, ship_from_warehouse => CN-DG-B66 -> ship_from_warehouse Incorrect Warehouse selected | Dispatcher Management setup | Wrong fulfillment warehouse selected in app settings, or new warehouse not yet enabled within ESG systems. | Understand which warehouse you will be using for fulfillment and check app settings. If necessary, consult your Account Manager or Operations Support Agent. |
Correct the warehouse selection if incorrectly set. Consult your Account Manager or Operations Support Agent if warehouse selection is correct - warehouse may need to be enabled in ESG systems. |
Ensure warehouse selection is up-to-date and correct. |
Order missing shipping option (unable to map to ShippingService) | Manual order | The name provided for the Shipping rate is blank when the manual order was created - this typically occurs when orders are manually created for free gifts or replacement items. | Cancel and re-create the manual order within Shopify backend. | Add a custom Shipping Rate before the manual order is created - for more information, refer to troubleshooting article "Creating manual orders (eg. for free gifts, replacements) in your Shopify backend ". | Refer to troubleshooting article "Creating manual orders (eg. for free gifts, replacements) in your Shopify backend". |
missing delivery name | Manual order | First and Last name for customer name was not provided when the manual order was created. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Enter "First name" and "Last name" fields together; max combined character length is 35 characters. | Ensure First name and Last name information is provided when creating/selecting a customer for a new manual order. |
missing delivery phone | Manual order | Customer's phone number was not provided when the manual order was created. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Enter "Phone number" field; max combined character length is 15 characters. | Ensure phone number information is provided when creating/selecting a customer for a new manual order. |
missing delivery address | Manual order | Customer's delivery address was not provided when the manual order was created. | Open the link to open the order in your Shopify backend and edit the SHIPPING ADDRESS section directly - the app will try to re-export the order again. | Enter "Address line 1" (and "Address line 2" if required); max character length for either is 35 characters. | Ensure address information is provided when creating/selecting a customer for a new manual order. |
missing your merchant SKU(unique product identifier) | Shopify setup | Merchant SKU not defined for the product within the Shopify backend. | Manually create the order csv upload file for ESG. | Enter a MerchantSKU value when manually creating the order csv upload file (click here to review the template and its requirements), and upload the file manually to Dispatcher Management. Remember to use the long order id. | Ensure all products are updated with your correct merchant SKU in the Shopify backend. |