Error Code | Error Message |
20 | Invalid MerchantId |
21 | Missing Entry:PlatformOrderId is a required field |
22 | Invalid Entry:ItemNumber must be a number |
23 | Invalid Entry:This order is missing ItemNumber 1 |
24 | Invalid Entry:This order has the same ItemNumber more than once |
25 | Missing Entry:Please select a ShipFrom Warehouse from the dropdown |
26 | Invalid Entry:Please select a ShipFrom Warehouse from the dropdown |
30 | Missing Entry:Please select a ShipFrom Warehouse from the dropdown |
32 | Invalid Entry:valid BuyerEmailAddress is required |
33 | Missing Entry:MerchantSku is a required field |
34 | Invalid Entry:MerchantSku is unknown or is not approved |
37 | Invalid Entry:Quantity must be a whole number |
38 | Invalid Entry:ItemUnitPrice must be a number, up to 2 decimal places |
40 | Invalid Entry:Vat must be a number, up to 2 decimal places |
41 | Invalid Entry:DeliveryCharge must be a number, up to 2 decimal places |
42 | Conflict Entry:ensure that the same ShipFromWarehouse is used for all items in the same order |
43 | Invalid Entry:Discount must be a number, up to 2 decimal places |
44 | Invalid Entry:RecommendCourierId must be a whole number |
53 | Missing Entry:DeliveryName is a required field |
54 | Format Entry:DeliveryName length must be 35 characters or less |
55 | Missing Entry:DeliveryAddress1 is a required field |
56 | Format Entry:DeliveryAddress1 length must be 35 characters or less |
57 | Format Entry:DeliveryAddress2 length must be 35 characters or less |
58 | Missing Entry:DeliveryCity is a required field |
59 | Format Entry:DeliveryCompany length must be 35 characters or less |
61 | Invalid Country ID:select a DeliveryCountryId from dropdown |
62 | Missing Entry:DeliveryPostal (postal or zip code) is required for the selected DeliveryCountryId |
63 | Missing CountryID:select a DeliveryCountryId from dropdown |
64 | Missing Entry:DeliveryTelNumber is a required field |
65 | Invalid Entry:DeliveryTelNumber can only contain numbers and the following characters ( ) - + {space} |
66 | Format Entry:DeliveryTelNumber length must be 15 characters or less |
67 | Invalid Entry:select a ShippingService from dropdown |
68 | Missing Entry:ShippingService is a required field |
69 | Invalid Currency:select a Currency from dropdown |
70 | Missing Incoterm:select an option from the dropdown |
71 | Incorrect Incoterm:select an option from the dropdown |
72 | Conflict :This incoterm is unavailable for this ShippingService |
73 | Conflict:PO Boxes (DeliveryAddress1) cannot be serviced by EXPED and EXP (ShippingService) couriers |
74 | Conflict:PO Boxes (DeliveryAddress2) cannot be served by EXPED and EXP (ShippingService) couriers |
CSV Order Upload - Error Codes Print
Modified on: Wed, 7 Mar, 2018 at 6:04 PM
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