There are two individual order export tests that you can choose to carry out:

Type of testWhat's included in the testHow to test
Export/sync test without dispatch information (meaning nothing should be shipped out)You will only be able to see if a csv has been generated by the app, uploaded to FTP and whether there is confirmation that the orders in the csv have successfully synced within KerryESG fulfillment systems.Use an unfulfillable dummy address (eg. testname, test address) for the order, and immediately inform your Account Manager; provide the order details and state that you wish the order to be cancelled. Failing to inform your Account Manager may end up with the order being arranged for consignment with a courier and related charges..
Export/sync test with dispatch information (meaning product would be shipped out)In addition to the above, you will be able to see the order ultimately become dispatched and the tracking information synced back to the order in your store backend at the end of the day.Simply use your own address (or any address to which you are happy to include in the test) for the order for KerryESG fulfillment systems to process.

When installing the app, you should also check that all orders are accounted for in the app ie. if you have 50 orders that should be exported by the app, check that this matches the total number of orders see in the app tabs "Sync Log", "Invalid Orders", and "Pending Update to Fulfilled". This check should be done on the hour (the app processes an export every half hour).